Course Curriculum

About BFreak Creativity Course

In BFreak Project we help people become more creative. We've designed this course to share our passion with you. You'll find there ready-to-use creative solutions to your problems. We'll share with you our knowledge, useful tips and inspiring examples. We belive that all of us have a huge creative potential, so we will help you to unleash it in practice.

Knowledge is very important, but practice even more.  This is why we will share with you easy-to-follow steps which will help you to overcome your limits and shape your own creative attitude. As a result, after watching all the lessons, you'll start your creative life. Our course will be just the begining of your creative journey - a spark that will light up giant creative fire in your mind. 

What you'll learn:

  • Overcome your creative block
  • Produce better ideas with creative techniques
  • Save your time on overthinking  
  • Organize your ideas and process of creation
  • Best ways to solve problems creatively
  • Examples of creative geniuses and their solutions

What skills you'll get/improve: 

  • Get rid of unnecessary stress and fears
  • Communicate better with your audience/friends
  • Create better designs with less effort
  • Find inspiration easily wherever you are
  • Present your ideas and works like a pro
  • Ignore distractions  and stop procrastinating


BFreak Project Director

Jakub Stadnik

Hello! Creativity has been my biggest passion for a long time, together with art, science, philosophy, films, psychology and travelling. It all started with a fascination with the lives of geniuses. The selection of my interests was an attempt to follow their lives. I also love taking challenges and doing crazy things to get above everyday life. I’m a Fine Art student at Newcastle University and BFreak Project Director. Together with my great team we help people around the world to become more creative.


Try it and share your opinion with us :)

I think it's a cool way to expand your creativity.


I really like that the course itself is creative; not only about being creative. [Jakub] helped me expand my creativity so in my opinion he's really helpful.

Jakub is a talented young man and sensitive person. He knows a lot

Aneta Trębacz Tomaszek

He is full of enthusiasm and passion. He loves people. [...] He can effectively share his knowledge. He is a colorful bird that will one day develop his wings beautifully. We'll hear about him soon. I wish him that. We need people like him.

I like that these lessons make me ask myself questions; sometimes, the answers I give to myself surprise me.

Szymon Hrydziuszko

Bfreak Creativity Course is very good thing to watch, and I recommend it to everyone, no matter if they are creative or not, because you can always be more creative. Bfreak makes you more creative.

It's nice that while some creative courses focus on just one thing, the course tackles different topics without being too objective and leaving room for people who are watching to process the ideas and create their own creative process that suits them.


I like how it is full of knowledge and practical tips and techniques all in one. There's also various choices to choose from so the people who are watching can choose which ones resonate with them or if they are feeling excited, they could try them all.

Jakub is very nice, has a great approach to the student and is able to share his passion

Karolina Wojciechowska

Jakub is a very positive person who likes people. He perfectly reaches young people and opens their eyes to a new view of the world

Joanna Hrydziuszko

Jakub is an extremely colorful character, very creative and sensitive. He is ambitious, curious about the world, open to new experiences.

Agnieszka Jarząbek


  • Is this course effective? Is it useful?

    Yes, we designed this course to help you use your creativity in practice. You will find there exercises, creative tools and techniques and apply them in your creative process.

  • Am I creative enough for this course?

    This course is not a test or just a boring theory! We designed it to help you become more creative. You don't have to consider yourself as one of the creatives but after this course you will.

  • Do you have any experience?

    I run creative workshops in my hometown and for the last 14 years I have been creating art. All of that experience and knowledge I put into BFreak Project and now with my team we want to help people around the world to explore their creative potential.

  • For how long can I get access to the course?

    You will get 1-year access to it. It's plenty of time but we encourage you to finish it much faster, so that you'll see the results even in a month!